The Place - The total area of Betla forest is 930 sq kms, but only 35 sq km are is opened for tourists. Betla have 5 watchtowers.
State - Jharkhand
Season - October to April
Kinds of Trees available - Shal, Palash, Mahua & many others.
Species of Animals present - Cheetah, Tiger, Nilgai, Chital, Gour, Sambar & different kinds of Deer’s, Wolf, Bison, Leopard, Mountain Fox, Elephants, Beer, Chinkara etc.
Other Watchables - Kechki
Raja Medini Rai’s Fort

Nearest Railway Station - Daltonganj – 14 kms
Nearest Airport - Ranchi
Distance - Daltonganj – 14 kms
Netarhat – 115 kms.